Your morning sets the tone for the entire day. A mindful morning routine is the key to unlocking a day full of energy, focus, and creativity.

When you start your day with intention, you create a ripple effect that touches every part of your life, from your productivity to your overall well-being.
I used to wake up and immediately dive into checking emails and social media.
But once I made the shift to a more mindful morning routine, everything changed. I began to feel more energized, more focused, and more in control of my day. This simple shift helped me tap into my creativity and start everyday off with a win.
5 ways to take your morning routine from unproductive to energized:
Wake Up Early: Give yourself time to start the day without rushing.
Waking up early is the KEY to my morning routine.
Before, I would wake up exactly when I NEEDED to in order to get to work on time. This led to mornings of rushing around and feeling like I was thrown into the chaos of life as soon as I woke up.
Now, I am able to get meaningful work done, move my body, and enjoy the outdoors all before 8:00am. I feel accomplished and relaxed before work, and ready to tackle my day.
All it took was changing my alarm. Go to bed an hour earlier than usual, and set your alarm before the sun rises.
Use this time to read a book, enjoy a slow morning coffee, or take a quick walk outside. Bonus points if you ditch the screens during this new-found extra time.
Get Outside: Spend time in the sunlight and fresh air.
“Live Life Outside” is more than a catchy motto for Sunski, it's a way to live.
The more time I spend inside, the worse I feel. It’s that simple.
Getting outside is a necessary part of my well-being, creativity, and morning routine.
Fresh air and physical activity can clear your mind and enhance focus leading to higher productivity throughout your day (BetterUp).
Every morning I can, I go straight to the beach for sunrise. Breathing in the fresh air and getting some morning sunlight on my skin instantly increases my mood and primes me for a good morning and day ahead.
I’ve NEVER regretted getting outside early in the morning.
Avoid Screens: Stay away from your phone and computer for the first hour.
This may be the hardest step to optimizing your morning routine…
It's hard. The second we get up, we want to know what’s going on.
The problem is, checking your phone immediately after waking can overwhelm you with information, emails, and notifications, leading to increased stress and anxiety right at the start of your day (AnthonyJYeung) (Times Now).
Distraction after distraction, trying to pull you into one more scroll or text message.
Here’s the good news: It gets easier as you get used to it.
Ditch the screens for the first hour of your morning and see just how free you feel.
Trade in the screen for sunglasses! (The Yuba or Dipsea are a good place to start).
Move Your Body: Go for a walk, stretch, or exercise.
This is where your morning routine starts to feel like a superpower. Getting up early, getting outside, staying off the screen, AND moving your body.
Get this: physical activity, like a morning walk, triggers the release of endorphins, natural mood lifters that can help you start your day on a positive note (BetterUp).
You don’t need to run a half-marathon or deadlift at 5:00am to reap the benefits of morning movement.
One of my favorite ways to move my body in the morning is capturing sunrise at the beach. Walking from shot to shot, running across the sand, and diving into the ocean are all parts of an ideal morning for me.
Aiming for a quick 10-15 minute walk every morning will make a massive impact in your mindset.
Plan Your Day: Take a few minutes to outline your goals and tasks.
One of the biggest consequences of a hectic morning routine is a lack of focus throughout the day.
You feel like you were thrown into chaos, with distractions pulling you every-which-way.
That’s why this part of my morning routine is so impactful.
5 minutes of my morning is dedicated to looking forward at my day and planning.
This is another tactic I use to eliminate stress and tackle whatever comes my way.
Knowing what obligations you have for work, relationships, etc each day will give you clarity and a calm mind knowing what’s ahead of you.
By focusing on these steps, you can create a morning routine that not only boosts your overall health and productivity but also enhances your creativity. Imagine starting each day feeling energized, focused, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. This simple change can have a massive impact on your life.
Meet the Author

Zak Willuski is a sunrise chaser and storyteller. He creates adventure and lifestyle videos that inspire others to live intentionally and creatively.